Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - March 2019
Greetings as we roll into gusty March!
Some of you may have had the pleasure of hearing Mary Ellen Mancini, Director of Development at SPARCC (Safe Place Rape Crisis Center), speak at our Donor Appreciation event in late January. She gave us background on this organization and read a heartwarming letter from one of the many young people whom they are able to assist.
SPARCCs' mission is to “stop domestic and sexual violence in our communities.” It's vision is its collaborative, comprehensive approach to provide a seamless, survivor-driven response to people’s needs, allowing hope to be restored; so individuals and families can thrive.
Founded in 1979, SPARCC addresses both intervention and prevention; some of these services are a 24-hour crisis helpline, 24-hour emergency shelter, crisis counseling, support groups, legal assistance, and many more. The bottom line is that SPARCC helps families escape from violence by providing a safe haven, preventing homelessness, and even death. They provide free services to victims of domestic and sexual violence, and promote of a violence-free community through awareness and education.
Here are the glaring statistics to consider just in the 2017-2018 fiscal year: 2,181 people were provided advocacy and crisis counseling; 219 adults and 139 children were sheltered; 2,591 callers were provided assistance by the helpline; 5,000 students were exposed to prevention education; and 316 participants were provided with legal services. SPARCC believes that a violence-free future is attainable and works diligently each day to make this vision a reality.
We are fortunate to have this strong organization serving our community. We have to ponder where these individuals and families would be without SPARCC. Thank you for all you do, Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center!
With sincere appreciation,
Noni Lavelle
VYCCF Committee: Chair Michael Nemser, Vice Chair and Secretary Joan Bowen, Steve Bieglecki, Bill Bowen, Treasurer John O'Donnell, Kevin Collins, P/C Merle Graser, P/C Dick and Doris Guba, Past Chair Don and Babs Healy, Sylvia Hollister, Barbara Isaacson, Bill and Jennifer Kessler, Noni Lavelle, Warren Major, P/C Gus Olson, Beth Piel, Bob Scholten, Dave Slaman, Ann Van Cott, and Bill Walker
updated: March 2019 Currents