Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - Feb 2018
2018: Making an Impact
At our Donor Appreciation Night & Annual Kick-off we announced our signature project for 2018, N-VEST – Nutrition, Veterans, Education & ShelTer … Investing in our Community! I am so proud of the commitment of our “N-VESTers” but I am also struck by the continuous needs of our community. Here is a sample of impacts and needs where the Foundation continues to contribute:
• Our Mothers House has expanded to 22 apartments. In 30+ years, over 600 mothers with children have passed through this program. Today, 70% of those who commit to the program succeed in achieving their goals.
• Family Promise has now served over 35 families (47 adults & 74 children) who have received emergency shelter, food, and services for an average of 52 days per family.
• All Faiths Food Bank reports that approximately 170,000 people in our area cannot afford to buy enough food & basic necessities. Their “Feed the Children” program fed 31,058 children during the summer vacation period, with food delivered on a “Sprout” truck we helped fund and a Bus Kitchen we provided.
• The Reading Recovery Program in Sarasota County now covers all elementary schools providing 100% of our first graders with a chance to read at grade level and compete for success.
• Our 2017 commitment to Veterans Services topped $9,000, an increase of 24%, year to year, and we formed a new Veterans Services Sub-Committee for 2018.
This is just a sample of our impact and the needs we tackle. I hope you will take this time to consider joining the cause. Our first fundraising event to benefit our signature project will be an Interactive Dining Night with our executive chef, Josh, on Saturday, March 3. Sixty-four lucky people will have the opportunity to take turns at our eight cooking stations, preparing a gourmet four-course meal for each other. This event will fill up quickly, with key ingredients including laughter, the aroma of food sizzling under the direction of our chef, and EATING! Come join us for a unique evening of giving.
Don Healy, VYCCF Chair
VYCCF Committee:
Chair Don Healy,
Treasurer John O'Donnell, Commodore Gus Olson (Board Rep), Lloyd & Cindy Abbot, Joan Bowen, P/C Kerry Carper, Kevin Collins, P/C Joe Dombrowski, P/C Merle Graser,
P/C Dick & Doris Guba, Babs Healy, Sylvia Hollister,
Noni Lavelle, Warren Major, Paul Nasipak, Michael Nemser, Beth Piel, Dave Slaman, Ann Van Cott, Bill Walker
Follow us on Facebook at: veniceyachtclubcharitablefoundation
updated: February 2018 Currents