Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - March 2014
Fellow Members,
Your 2014 Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation Committee had its first meeting on January 28. We are looking forward to a great year.
The Foundation currently has $104,815 on deposit with the Gulf Coast Community Foundation. We have $14,625 available for the current grant cycle.
We are planning a donor recognition event to be held in April. We are also in preliminary discussions about a special event fundraising party in October. More details to follow.
We received very good publicity for the Sprout truck for the All Faiths Food Bank. Sprout is in a three month trial program with All Faiths Food Bank. We anticipate a report and probably a request for some additional funding after the trial program.
Our current grant cycle began November 1 and will end on May 1. Our Foundation spending policy is to grant at least 80% of the donations we receive. The Foundation spending policy provides that grants shall be given during the grant cycle to 501(c)(3) organizations in support of the broad categories of (1) youth boating, (2) health and education, (3) veterans and active military, (4) the environment, and (5) civic improvement.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Hall, Chairperson
VYCCF Committee:
Wayne Hall-Chairperson, Matt DePalma, Bill Dowling, Merle Graser, Jerry Jarrett, Elise John,
John Moore, Jack Murphy, and Melinda Short.
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