Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - July 2014
Fellow Members,
Your Foundation Committee was busy during the month of May. The Stan Wright Memorial Golf Tournament was held on May 1 at Jacaranda Golf and Country Club. We had 48 golfers participate. Bill Dowling anticipates net proceeds from the golf tournament to be approximately $6,000. This was a very successful first time event. We are encouraging our members to take advantage of our reciprocal privileges at Jacaranda Golf Course and Country Club. This is a beautiful and very friendly facility.
May 1 was also the end of our first six month grant cycle. The Foundation received donations of $21,300 during the six month cycle. Pursuant to our policy, 80% of this amount ($17,040) was available for grants.
The Foundation received 18 grant applications requesting a total of $34,650. The Committee decided to award about $9,200 in grants this cycle. We want to keep some money in reserve for a signature project later in the year.
I am pleased to report that the committee made the following grant awards:
Big Brothers & Sisters $750
Boys & Girls Club of Sarasota $500
Center for Building Hope $500
Child Protection Center $750
Englewood Community Care Clinic $500
Habitat for Humanity $1,000
Interfaith Outreach $750
Laurel Civic Assn. $750
Loveland Center $500
Neuro Challenge Foundation for Parkinsons $600
Our Mother's House $850
Venice Art Center $500
Venice Theater $750
VYBA $500
Total $9,200
The next grant cycle ends November 1. The Committee discussed having a signature project this year. The favored project at this point is a grant for the new Venice High School Performing Arts Center. Chair Wayne Hall is working on a grant proposal with high school representatives. It is anticipated the proceeds from our fundraising dinner on October 11, 2014 will be used to support the grant once the details are worked out.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Hall, Chairperson
VYCCF Committee:
Wayne Hall-Chair, Bill Dowling, Merle Graser, Elise John, John Moore, Jack Murphy, and Melinda Short.
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