Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - June 2012
Fellow members...
The VYCCF Committee is delighted to announce the Spring 2012 Grant recipients:
Rotary Futures College Resource Center $500.00
Southeastern Guide Dogs Paws for Patriots Program $700.00
Loveland Center $1,540.00
Boca Royale Semper Fi Fund (financial aid program) $500.00
Sarasota Scullers (toward a needy student rowing scholarship) $500.00
The Committee reaffirmed the goals established in the fund’s first year, 2011, to make annual grants which will have significant impact in the local area in the four categories of youth boating, health and education, veterans/active military, and the environment. Each award fits squarely within our grant areas. All organizations which are not exclusively local will be restricted to use of the funds in the local area. And, all organizations will be asked to report back on the application of the grant. The Committee considers these to be hallmarks of responsible grant-making pursuant to the mission of your foundation. An additional grant cycle will occur in Fall 2012.
The largest grant, made to the Loveland Center, will enable the purchase of two high speed scanners, part of a larger project aimed at improving efficiency by implementing a paperless workflow system. The Loveland center helps adults with developmental disabilities live their lives to the fullest. The impact: Loveland students will benefit as staff will be able to use a greater percentage of time and resources for program services rather than administrative functions; it is also an environmental initiative which will reduce the agency’s “carbon footprint” on many levels. Please watch for future communications about other grant recipients, in the Currents and elsewhere, as we continue to educate our members about the good works of your foundation.
Looking back at 2011, grants were made to Manasota Operations Troop Support, the Boys and Girls Club of Sarasota County, Habitat for Humanity, Rotary Futures, the Cancer Support Community, and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, in the total amount of $7,800. Your foundation has touched many lives, even in its first year and a half of life. This has only been possible because of the generosity and philanthropic spirit imbedded in the membership of the Venice Yacht Club. Thank you.
Ann C. Thompson, Co-Chair
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
Janice Zarro Wood, Co-Chair
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
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