Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - January 2011
Fellow members...
A tired soldier in Iraq opens a box and smiles at the candy bars, Slim Jims and Gatorade packed inside. A returning veteran from Afghanistan tears up when a group of volunteers applauds as she walks off the plane in Tampa airport. When a soldier returns home to find no jobs available, he and his family are provided assistance and medical care through the efforts of volunteer advocates. Compliments of the members of the Venice Yacht Club.
How is all that possible? The Viva la Vets event raised $1800 for our veterans and active military. After careful consideration, the Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation committee approved a grant in that amount to Manasota Operation Troop Support (MOTS). MOTS is a non-profit organization serving active military and veterans with ties to Sarasota and Manatee counties. It was founded to help support our troops and their families, both while they are overseas and when they return home. They have assisted many local men and women with the often difficult transition from the world of war to civilian life, providing individualized support, one troop, one veteran at a time.
We can all be proud of this initial grant. However, our job is far from over. Early this month, you received a letter describing our funding initiative. While the initial response to the letter has been good, we have not yet achieved our financial goal to fund the Foundation. Please consider a contribution of any amount and be part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create an enduring legacy of goodwill. If you have misplaced your return envelope, just send a check payable to the Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation to the Club or drop one off at the reception desk.
Remember, this is your Foundation. We need your input about which charities to support, ideas for fundraising events and, most importantly, volunteering your time and talents. Please contact me or any VYCCF committee member, VYC Flag Officer or member of the Board of Directors with your thoughts and comments.
In closing, I’d like to invite you to join us at the Club on Wednesdays for pasta night and 2 for 1 drinks, both inside and at the Tiki. While there, please consider participating in our “Chip-in” program by donating $1 when you redeem your chip for a free drink. That small gesture will go a long way to defray the cost of our operating expenses such a postage and stationery. Thanks for your support.
Anthony R Zumbano, Chairman
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation